


26 Kimberley Ave
Toronto, ON
M4E 2Z2

Invoice Number INV-22202
Invoice Date April 16, 2024
Due Date May 16, 2024
Total Due $5,790.75
Destination West Marketing

545 Highway 10 East. Box 2109
Drumheller AB Canada T0J 0Y0
Att. Simen Christoffersen

Moxy Banff Full Shoot

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Custom Photography Package

40 Edited Images
Up to 24 Virtual Tour Scenes
Photographer Onsite 2 Days (16 hours shooting)
-Capture 2 Standard Guest Rooms/2 Get Away With It Guest Rooms
-Capture Lobby Area
-Capture Amenities
-Capture Exteriors
See shot list for details
Travel Inclusive

1 Styling Services

Styling for 2 "Get Away With It" Guest Rooms
-2 Stylists Onsite for up to 3-4 hours
-Includes props
Travel Inclusive

Sub Total $5,515.00
Tax $275.75
Total Due $5,790.75